Friday, March 26, 2010

Celine Dion...Call Me!

Dear Celine:

I came across an article in People's Magazine about your in-vitro journey to conceive, in which you described the discomfort and arduous toll on your body and emotions.

As a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, I assure you that there are many safe, gentle, pleasurable and non-invasive approaches to assist you to conceive and carry full term, bringing no harm to you or your baby.

I believe it would be worth it to learn more about the different options.

My office can assist you with information and consultations.

Feel free to contact me at and/or (201) 926-9757.

My best,

She Thinks She's Fat...

Met a young girl (about 9 y.o.) recently at the supermarket. I bought food and sat at the counter to eat. Her dad bought her miso soup and she came over and sat right next to me. I knew it was a moment of mutual learning because there were 5 other empty chairs, but, she decided to sit next to me. I felt her wanting to start a conversation with me, I was a bit apprehensive (in my own resistance).

She asked me if the chicken tasted good. Told her yes, it's tasty. My initial impression - she was hungry! I then asked her - how was the soup? Don't remember what she said, but, she did add that it was filling. My impression grew further - she may have an eating/body image challenge. I probed deeper. We engaged in a series of q & a. She divulged that she doesn't eat breakfast, only has a certain portion for lunch and dinner...and she thinks she's fat (as she touches her stomach and thighs). There was no sign of fat on this girl. I "assured" her that she was a healthy size for her age and height. Felt I needed to say more - told her that eating balanced meals was the healthier way to go, than eating food that fills you up.

She listened, not sure how much of an impact my words had. As I spoke, I was reminded that I must adhere to this myself and how countless girls and women try to control their lives via their weight and body image.

She was there to present a learning opportunity to me, as I her.

Her dad came over and as she got up to leave, I reminded her of what I said earlier; she looked at me with nervous eyes, agreed and left.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear FDA...

Within the past few years, baby's/children's "medicine" you previously approved have been recalled. You continue to approve drugs that have astounding negative effects on the body and emotions. Medicine is intended to HEAL. I recently learned of a new vaccine for babies you have approved ( A baby's developing immune and other body functions are equipped to handle bacteria and other possible invasions. If, for whatever reason, the baby's body needs help, there are gentle, safe and non-invasive options that are very effective.

I wonder if you care to know about those options??? You want the best and most safe healthcare protocol for everyone, right!!??

Someone who cares,


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who's In Charge

Went to the supermarket the other day. Saw a father and daughter shopping. She was a cute kid (4-6 years old) with big, piercing eyes and a dominant personality. She picked up a BIG box of chips, about 24 small bags in the container and brought it over to the cart. She looked at her father, with those big eyes, basically saying "I want this and you will say yes". He smirked and in went the container.

Couple of things caught my attention - 1. the diet of kids are so unhealthy and making them sick and 2. the father was afraid to say no to his daughter. p.s. She later saw something else that she wanted , he "tried" to grab it from her, she held her stand and in it went into the cart.

Parents, stop feeding your children garbage and take healthy control of your homes.

This may help: I'm teaching an online class on "Weight Management" in April, check the events link for more details.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Medicated Child

Watched “The Medicated Child” on Frontline (on PBS). The show profiled several children and their diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder and Bi-Polar. Based on the information presented, it was abusive the way these children were being heavily medicated. Children, as young as four years old, were being given profoundly strong psychiatric medication. And as they showed any sign of change...perceived negative change, more medication was given.

Several things concerned me. There was no mention of the child's diet, parents' emotional role and environmental factors that feed the illnesses. The children's diets were filled with sugar, which causes damaging effects to the nervous and immune systems. Children's physical, emotional and mental challenges are a reflection of their parents unresolved life issues and lessons. I guess because I am from a different school of thought/belief, this was not considered as an area to address. Based on what I saw, it was not. The answer always appeared to be focused on the medication as the solution.

The parents appeared lost, confused and were completely giving their power over to the doctors. Did the parents do a thorough research on these medications or on other alternative care to address the issue? Where is the empowerment and awareness?

From what I viewed, it is clear that an introduction to substance abuse and addiction is being fostered with the support of such organizations as the Food and Drug Administration. It has become, or probably has been acceptable to drug or over-drug children with justified means in doing so. The well-rounded needs of these children are severely dismissed. Is this out of ignorance or a profound void of deep concern for the wellness of all...and what are our responsibilities in changing this?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Women...Let's Heal Ourselves

I wrote this powerful piece on women's wellness some years ago that was published in Inner Realm Magazine. It continues to inspire me in my own personal development and professional work in women's health. Enjoy...

Women...Let Us Heal Ourselves.Breast and Womb Cancers, Cysts, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Hysterectomy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Unfortunately, the list goes on to disclose a number of dis-eases women may face in their lifetimes...women of all races, nationalities, and socio-economic status.

As I observe and listen to women speak and media information, it is as if when we think of ourselves as women we automatically commit to the fear of possibly getting these manifestations of imbalance. How did we get here? Do we look at society's influence? A society that fails to celebrate the true essence of femininity by suggesting that mothers, sisters, aunts, and wives take out their wombs than try to save and heal them. Still, women cannot be preyed upon unless permission is given.

As women, I question how much we truly love being women. The magnificent, divine powers that we possess tend to be suppressed for the sake of others and as a means to remain a victim to past experiences. A past that may have included sexual inappropriateness; unsatisfying parental guidance and support and sibling competition, the main ingredients that tend to shape us from earlier on. To truly own our power would require courage and an unapologetic stand of who we are and what we are capable of creating and being responsible for in our lives.

These manifestations of pain do reflect the body's language of expressing that something requires acknowledgement and healing. Some belief system about oneself and life has festered and gone unaddressed and has now landed in a way that can no longer be ignored, unless one chooses. Praises to the human body for being so honest and loving.The answer does not lie in taking a pill or looking at our doctor as God, or giving our power over to others to define our lives.

It is crucial to understand that there are many contributing emotional and mental based factors that perpetuate these health challenges. Let us commit to defining ourselves from a place of truth and heal from within. Let us own the following:

Let us be in full accountability and responsibilities of our bodies, minds and emotions.

Let us be aware of how delicate and powerful our wombs and breasts are.

Let us radically change our diets and how we perceive food.

Let us utilize safe and gentle holistic methods to care for our health and well-being.

Let us come to understand that mind, body, spirit are one, they do not work independent of each other.

Let us stop hating other women for then we hate ourselves.

Let us understand that we do not have to reveal our bodies in order to feel accepted and validated.

Let us understand that we do not have to cover up our bodies in shame and self-loathing.

Let us learn to let go of negative thought patterns, expectations, and people that block us from hearing our higher voice.

Let us eliminate fear and inject love.

Let us be warriors, spiritual warriors and create balance and harmony in every aspect of our lives.

Let us talk to our wombs and breasts and invoke words of love and healing.

Let us stop living in denial and honestly face our choices and ourselves.

Let us view our breasts as nourishments of life, not as inanimate objects.

Let us use our ability to visualize and heal our bodies.

Let us be selective in who we choose to enter our vaginas, the passageway of life and feminine power.

Let us embrace our menstrual cycle as a monthly reminder of our spiritual powers, not as a monthly curse.

Let us teach these affirmations to the girl children.

With Love,


Copyright 2006-2007 Nicole Angela Tucker