Monday, November 7, 2011

Prioritize your family's emotional health!

Flower Essences are highly effective, non-toxic herbal preparations that address core issues of wellness, especially emotions. The essences are used internally or topically to assist balancing everyone's, including babies and children's, emotional health. They can be used to address anger, sleep issues, birth or any trauma, fear, nightmares, sadness, anxiety, overwhelm, attention-challenge and other emotions.

Add to breastmilk/formula bottle, your baby or child's bath water, in soft/liquid food (for example, mashed potatoes, soups, etc), dishwashing/hand soap; you can even place drops in your paint and then paint nursery or other rooms in the house to assist creating a calm, soothing, or whatever mood you want to enhance or address, the essences will still work!

This is a safe and healthy way to nurture your family's emotional health as there are no adverse effects. Using Flower Essences allows you to build a foundation that empowers your family to utilize natural resources to assist a healthy response to their emotions.

Contact me to schedule your Flower Essence session.

(Image is of the Wild Rose flower, its essence assists balancing emotions connected to lingering illness)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is It Really Medicine?

November E-Newsletter

Dear Friend,

Thank you for reading the first of several upcoming e-newsletters within the month of November.

While watching a commercial promoting a medication for a skin disease, I was prompted to revisit the concept of medicine. The commercial was visually attractive in its presentation, the ‘subject’ was surrounded by nature and loved ones, and she appeared happy in her mood as the list of potential side effects scrolled along the side of the tv screen. Cancer, respiratory failure, liver problems were some of the potential diseases you could experience if you take this medication.

I thought - If it has 'side effects' warnings of possible harm if use, is it really medicine? Medicine is defined as "the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease". Also - "the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness". If medicine is defined as the above, then would it cause potential harm in the healing process?

I chose the natural/holistic health field as a career because of the love and appreciation I experience when doing this work and being in service to others. I am committed to providing information and education on this approach to health to assist you and your family's health, wellness, and holistic healing journey. The health modalities that my practice offers comes with no warnings, just 'common sense' awareness like 'keep aromatherapy blend away from eyes', and in the event that should happen - washing the eyes will address it.

Still, whether choosing my practice or another's as your health care provider, I encourage you to be educated consumers. Research, ask questions, find out exactly what you are choosing as your medicine. An educated consumer is a conscious, responsible participant in his/her life and soul journey.

Yours in holistic health,
Nicole A. Tucker, Lic. LCC