Monday, April 9, 2012

Is Your Family Dehydrated?

Drinking water is a powerful, healing necessity that is a daily requirement! Much of society have come to overconsume coffee, tea and juice, while devaluing the importance of drinking pure water.

Water is essential to the proper growth and thriving of any life. Literally, without it, the body dies...just think, if you stop watering your dies! Our lives depend on it...all internal organs and body functioning, such as liver, heart, stomach, eyes, intestines and so on rely on water in order to function well.

Because we are all built in different sizes, the amount necessary for each individual is different. It is recommended that you consume 1/2 your body's weight in ounces, for example, if you weigh 150 pounds, 75 ounces of water is what your body requires; preferably distilled water, all of the impurities are removed through distillation. Is it recommended that you sip every 10 to 15 minutes to gradually hydrate the body.

It has been stated that 80% of society is dehydrated. Rule number one for identifying dehydration is thirst. If you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Possible signs of dehydration include:
Digestive issues
Dry skin
Blemishes/Skin discoloration
Dark color around the eyes
Brittle/thinning hair
Womb challenges
Weight gain
Mood swings

The above may also indicate other challenges within the body.

"Water" with fructose and minerals in it, is not pure water. The body has to process the fructose and minerals, instead of experiencing the natural cleansing and hydrating of pure water throughout the entire body.

Benefits of appropriate water consumption include:
Removing waste and toxins from the body
Improves heart health, resulting in higher energy and circulation
Proper digestion
Assists in balancing your emotions and mental health
Promotes healthy and glowing skin
Assists in keeping the body more alkaline (disease cannot live in an alkaline body!)
Improves dental health
Increases recovery from illness

Choose drinking clean, pure water everyday a commitment within your home.

Photo by Victor Rayes/Getty Images

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