Watched “The Medicated Child” on Frontline (on PBS). The show profiled several children and their diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder and Bi-Polar. Based on the information presented, it was abusive the way these children were being heavily medicated. Children, as young as four years old, were being given profoundly strong psychiatric medication. And as they showed any sign of change...perceived negative change, more medication was given.
Several things concerned me. There was no mention of the child's diet, parents' emotional role and environmental factors that feed the illnesses. The children's diets were filled with sugar, which causes damaging effects to the nervous and immune systems. Children's physical, emotional and mental challenges are a reflection of their parents unresolved life issues and lessons. I guess because I am from a different school of thought/belief, this was not considered as an area to address. Based on what I saw, it was not. The answer always appeared to be focused on the medication as the solution.
The parents appeared lost, confused and were completely giving their power over to the doctors. Did the parents do a thorough research on these medications or on other alternative care to address the issue? Where is the empowerment and awareness?
From what I viewed, it is clear that an introduction to substance abuse and addiction is being fostered with the support of such organizations as the Food and Drug Administration. It has become, or probably has been acceptable to drug or over-drug children with justified means in doing so. The well-rounded needs of these children are severely dismissed. Is this out of ignorance or a profound void of deep concern for the wellness of all...and what are our responsibilities in changing this?
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