Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mastering Your Choices: How to Clearly Define Your Positions of Mother and Woman

Defining the roles of mother and woman helps you to set clear boundaries within yourself, your relationships, and life experiences.

At times, it can be a very thin line when steering each. One can get lost within the other and vice versa. Yes, as a mother, you are both a mother and a woman. As a woman, what identity have you structured for yourself? Is being a mother your identity? Or, have you created two interdependent identities that support or clash with each other? What does it mean to you to be a mother and a woman?

I invite you to register for my next live teleseminar, in which I will present key steps to clearly define these roles, allowing you to acknowledge and honor each, while truthfully deciding your self-identity.

Learn more and register at Events.

Registration closes at 7:00pm on July 9, 2012
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Saturday, June 23, 2012

I Love My Work!

According to an article in the New York Post, women who suffer stress during pregnancy transmit their anxiety to their unborn child from as early as 17 weeks, research indicates. Stress levels in fetuses only four months rise and fall in line with those of their mothers.

The findings prompted calls for employers, family and friends to be aware of the risks. The research is published in the May edition of Clinical Endocrinology. One of the study’s authors, Professor Yvette Glover, has previously shown a link between stress in pregnancy and the baby’s IQ. (Times of London)

This truth serves as one of the reasons I conceived and gave birth to my practice. My goal is to guide mothers in remembering that they are a powerful part of the birthing journey, before, during, and after pregnancy, through their thoughts, conscious decision making skills, diet, and their perception about themselves and their pregnancy and, motherhood in general.

By assisting mothers in understanding the significance of demonstrating love in the womb, they will ultimately be able to transmit that energy to baby, increasing the chances of birthing a happy baby whose beginning foundation in this life is in joy and love. This foundation then continues to grow and build the essence of the individual, giving rise to a self-empowered, emotionally nurtured, conscious participant on the life journey who contributes his or her gifts to the world with love and care.

My unique approach to natural health care for pregnant women, new moms, newborns and childbirth all offer the support and assistance necessary to foster such a beginning and rapport. I invite you to explore these options and how I may be of service.

With Love,


*Mother and breastfeeding baby image does not belong to this blog.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mastering Motherhood

I see mastering motherhood as honoring both the mother and woman within you. Knowing when to wear the mommy hat and when to switch gears and flip on your woman hat. It is so vital to create an intimate relationship with both. They need each other for support and guidance on how to powerfully navigate both worlds. Your children know the mother. Your husband/partner/career sees the woman. You own both.

At times, it can be a very thin line when steering each. One can get lost within the other and vice versa. The key is to set clear boundaries within yourself and with the people in your life, if you choose to acknowledge the two separately.

If you are a mother, I invite you to start to define the two roles and how you would go about setting the appropriate boundaries to regard both.

My next live tele-class in July will be on this topic. I would love to hear your views and position on Mastering Motherhood. Please feel free to forward your email address to be notified of the date and time of the class.

With love,

Nicole A. Tucker, Lic. LCC is a mother and woman-honoring wellness practitioner. Her mission is to put pleasure back into pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and the family collective. Click here to get to know Nicole and all she has created just for you.

*Image does not belong to this blog.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Your Conscious Family: 3 Proactive Steps to Transform Your Family from Mundane to Vibrant

When you make the decision to nurture your family into The Conscious Family, you immediately place your family in a position of power to create and build healthy and proactive participants within the family collective, thus, setting the foundation for a strong and harmonious family structure. This commitment fosters a conscious marriage + conscious parenting + conscious children.

I invite you to join me on this live tele-class (telephone-communicated) as I present key steps to positively transform and enhance the physical and emotional health of your family with natural and organic resources.

Learn more and register at
Registration closes at 5:00pm EST, June 15.

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