Thursday, June 19, 2014

The outside reflects the inside

The skin is a mirror of your inner health. Eczema, diaper rash, psoriasis, moles, warts, and other manifestations on the skin reflect stress points within the organs. Along with the physical stressors within the body, your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs play a role as well. As your belief system is the root of all manifestations, one possibility for an eruption on the skin is the belief in fear of being vulnerable or emotionally exposing oneself. Skin irritation on a baby and child could reflect the parents’ subconscious beliefs as babies/children tend to be sensitive to and mirror their parents and environment. There are gentle topical options and natural health therapies to support the organs, still, consider exploring the possible beliefs if the irritation persists.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

your bah humbug remedy

Is the holiday season a trigger of emotional upset for you? Consider these love-filled suggestions to get you through: 1: Clean your home - a clean space reflects the energy of releasing old, outdated beliefs and welcoming new, nurturing ones; 2. Commit to writing at least 3 days of 'why I enjoy feeling sad' journal entries - if you look carefully you can see an energy of light or awareness that feeling sad/mad/upset brings you. Every emotion is an opportunity for deeper self-intimacy; 3. Do something kind for another (anyone) - give money, give a smile, give a hug, wash dishes, rake the yard... Giving is a medicine in itself. Sending YOU a smile and hug - Nicole

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fibroid healing

A special congratulations to a client who's experiencing tremendous progress with healing fibroids. The combination of acknowledging and addressing the emotional root source and using aromatherapy, flower essences, changing her diet, and other wellness modalities, have steadily decreased the size of the fibroids by about 60% so far!!!!! Love, N

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dear breasts, we love you!

With the continued spotlight on breast health and mastectomy, the topic has inspired me to remember the value of maintaining healthy breast care. Our breasts represent nurture, love, femininity, and healing. The best way to care for them is to truly care for ourselves as women - loving every aspect of our feminine expressions and freely sharing this love with others. Eating well, loving and living our lives, releasing painful beliefs, aromatherapy, and flower essences are also nourishing support for our breasts. I invite you to begin or continue the journey of valuing yourself, your body, and the important role you play in the world as these all affect your breast health.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

For the mothers you love, including you

For the mothers you love, including you, give the gift of health this Mother's Day. Within our practice, we only provide natural and organic health therapies and products because we believe true medicine is gentle and safe and this is what you deserve. To show mom or mom-to-be how much you value and appreciate her in your life and her quality of health, you are invited to purchase a gift certificate for:

a 'Flourishing Health' wellness session or package ~ within this detailed consultation, we holistically address a specific health concern

any or all of the 'Sweet Butterfly Mommy & Baby' Aromatherapy Products

the Birth Support Kit

a Holistic Birth Coach

a Foot Reflexology session or package (available in select areas of Northern New Jersey and New York City)

essential oil and flower essence products for eczema, allergies, respiratory health, and other health nourishing products

Once gift certificates are purchased, they will be created and sent to the recipients, via email.

Send an email to Nicole A Tucker at AOL dot com to order, and let us know what you would like to be included on the gift certificate.

Happy Mother's Day...and Everyday!


flower image does not belong to this blog.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Allergies are in full swing. Orders for our allergy and respiratory aromatherapy blends are coming in for adults and children. Here are some tips from my article on allergy proofing your home, and health, in general.

~ N

photo credit:

Friday, March 29, 2013

If it's undigested, you become toxic

Taking the right digestive enzymes prior to eating will help your stomach/digestive system to properly digest the food, as well as assist your body to receive/absorb all the nutritional value, assisting to minimize morning sickness, gas, bloated, headaches, emotional upset, and many other symptoms and their root causes. Babies can also benefit from enzymes. The powdered enzymes can be added to breast milk or formula bottle, and soft food. Contact our office to get enzyme tested.
